
Coaching for Pre-married Couples

Topics We Cover:
  • Communication
  • Sexuality
  • Conflict management
  • Blended families
  • Roles of In-laws and friends
  • Finances and decision making
First: Premarital communication habits will still be in place once the honeymoon ends.

Learning to live a realistic life and the problems it brings are what will make or break a new marriage. Create honest goals that both partners are aware of. Starting healthy communication practices at the beginning of the relationship is the key to successful communication later on. Perhaps, through the years, each person may be able to "get" the other, but that is far down the line. Healthy communication now is the way to find that easy way of relating to one another.

Second: What are the sexual expectations of each party?

Sex can often be seen as a taboo subject in a Christian relationship. Many times, couples will gloss over the topic of sex, simply assuming that they already know what the other wants, or that the sexual part of the marriage will simply fall into place as the couple grows together. Sex is a powerful way to show intimacy both physically and emotionally. It's important to dig in and understand each other's expectations.

Third: Conflict management and resolution are key to a well-ordered marriage.

No matter how hard one may try, it is not possible to eliminate all possibilities of conflict. Conflict is simply a part of life. How to handle it or resolve problems in a healthy way is what needs to be learned and embraced. Learning the skills to handle storms in a marriage can be taught by learning how to fight or disagree in a respectful way.

Fourth: Is this a second marriage for either of the couple?

If so, there may be children who will affect the dynamics of the marriage relationship. Premarital couples will need to approach this topic if they are starting a new relationship while carrying part of a failed marriage or relationship into a new life. If a new stepparent has had children of his or her own, they may think that parenting a step child should be a cinch. It isn't, and both partners need to understand day one dynamics when Blending a family.

Fifth: Friends and In-laws

Where will they fit in after the marriage? How much input should an in-law or friend have in the new relationship? These topics need to be discussed because there will need to be clear-cut agreements in how old relationships will be treated in the future.

Sixth: Finances and final decisions

Who has the final say in how money is spent in the household? If there is only one income, how will it be managed? This is a topic that needs to be approached head on because it can be a huge sore spot that causes friction and division in the relationship if both parties don't come to an agreement.

Sample of Pre-Married Coaching Package

(6-week workshop) - 45 Minute Weekly Coaching Sessions

6-week - $750/couple

  • Assignments for Each Session
  • Access to Support Between Sessions
More Information:

Our Marriage Champion Coaching System is a faith based, Bible centered process of reconnecting to one another in ways that not only takes Divorce off the table, but helps your marriage thrive! It focuses on:

  • A biblical focus on how God created marriage, and how it reflects His glory here on Earth.
  • Learning to trust God to pour into every thought, feeling, conversation, and interaction with your spouse. His grace and mercy are put into action in our marriages, which allows couples to experience His intentional, committed, empowered, and vulnerable LOVE.
  • Getting to the core issues within you as individuals first. This requires taking an honest look at how you are contributing to the strength or dysfunction of your marriage.
  • Becoming aware of your marriage dynamics so each spouse can take meaningful steps towards strengthening the relationship.
  • Learning new strategies surrounding conflict which will make communicating with your spouse feel safe again.
  • Teaching you through nationally recognized programs to help you shift your own behaviors, beliefs, and tendencies, that keep you stuck in a cycle of discord and disconnection.
  • Guiding you through the steps to create a Godly foundation in your relationship, which is proven to hold marriages together.
  • Discovering a process to create a new unbreakable bond for your marriage so you can effectively navigate the day-to-day dance of your life together.
  • Learning the skills to take on challenges together as a team, to earn mutual respect, have fun together, and grow deeper in love.

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